Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Happiness... is a warm gun...

Blogs... great for keeping track of people without the effort - or when contacting them can prove difficult... (case in point ElderBrother... what country are you in this week? Little windows into the lives of your nearest and dearest, or a nice way to catch up with friends who you may not see very often.

I've always been slightly reticent to post very personal information, feelings, thoughts etc. as this is the interweb and it open to all, some blogs I've read have alienated me completely from the authors - people I mingled with in 'real' life but now can't help but avoid because I find their opinions so abhorrent-can you really say to someone "sorry but I can't bring myself to spend time with you because your 'web-views' are so... oh I get a little angry just thinking about it" I haven't been able to yet.

Lately though, a few beautiful crafted and very touching blogs have inspired me and so I thought to resurrect this one, perhaps I won't reach the 'feelings' stage but at least it might give those around me a better idea of what I'm up to.

First amongst these is Cathal's Big Adventure where Cathal's mammy keeps us posted on the super-villain-in-training's experiences and his parents. This blog is fantastically written (kudos Cathal's Mammy!) and gives a real feeling of involvement to those of us who can't be there (though should make more of an effort-sorry)

In a recent post Cathal's Mammy was challenged to come up with 6 things that make her happy and that got me to thinking - what makes me happy? Here's a rough and ready list (I really should be working)

1. TBF (Mr Rock'n'Roll/ Mr. Me) It's been a roller-coaster year - between tying the knot in February, though the financial doldrums of the Credit Crunch, ongoing medical mysteries and mini-dramas but like Cathal's daddy for Cathal's Mammy, he is my rock. This past 18 months or so I have tried even harder to be his as he goes through various stresses (family swaps anyone?) and can only hope that I have achieved this.
The past seven and a half years have been wonderful and I wouldn't have changed a moment of it - even the bad stuff - because without that we wouldn't know how good we have it most of the time.

2. My siblings - after spending a heady couple of weekends in London with Mr&Mrs Younger Sister especially, and every day I check to see what Elder Brother is up to and this maintains for me a feeling of closeness that counteracts the time that's passed since I saw himself and the VeryUnderstandGirlfriend. Distance and timing (different cities, different countries) forces us apart and I wish we could all spend more time together but as seen at the poultry party (hen night) and at our wedding - as soon as we are together again, it's like we were never apart.

3. Our cats. Though there has been some changes lately to the cast of "our Cats" we have settled on a final two and two better cat friends you could not hope to meet. Genevieve and Charles the Second - though not fond of each other (yet, it's early days) welcome us home with their purrs and are wonderful company - they take the empty feeling from the house on the long evenings that TBF is out gigging or practicing and are more than enough to stop this blogger feeling lonely and self-pitying (most of the time)

4. My home - though this makes me unhappy in equal measure! Mostly do to it's incomplete state. Still, progress is being made and every little job we do brings us one step closer to having the house we want.

5. Eating out - a simple pleasure we haven't been able to enjoy enough since Credit Crunch(tm) and operation PayOffWedding began. Our twice weekly pleasure is now a twice quarterly treat but with a little planning we may be able to improve these numbers slightly.

It's not just about the food or the wine, though these are large elements of it of course. It's not just about the different atmosphere in our favorite restaurants - one for each mood (our all time favorite of course is L'Atmosphere but we're also partial to a little Cafe Goa or Bodega - we've a lot of food love to give, we like to spread it around *grin*) It's not about the service, or the not having to wash up - again added bonuses but more than that - it's about undiluted couple-time. It's like time slows, all outside conversation dulls to a murmur and there's nothing in the world but you and the person you love lit by candle light.

It's a time to rediscover this wonderful person that you fell in love with many moons ago. It's a time for catching up, for making friends again, for talking about the things that in other settings would spark... snips (not rows - more narks at each other) but that in this comfortable neutral zone can be discussed with patience and understanding.

6. "The Little Things" you can't beat the little things, they are the hundred little life-jackets that keep our heads above water every day. The little habits formed that leave you a little empty if they're missed. The overly romantic text message every morning to help kick start the day, a whispered 'good-night' every night without fail, tidy-up time (thanks Lucy for this one) those last moments before bed when you put the day to rest. *sigh* I'm smiling just thinking about these.

This is a start I suppose - thanks for that Cathal's Mammy - it's a nice thing to stop and think about what makes you happy - makes you realise how much good stuff there is in your life!

Happy Now.


Monday, 11 February 2008

This could be heaven...for everyone...

We've settled in our final home for this trip, off now for our first wine tasting. Then we find our about our spa treatments before dinner and tomorrow we check out the world's biggest hedge maze, we plan to get at least partially lost inside with a bottle of the estate's finest. Bliss. We're at go on, get jealous! X x x x x x

Sunday, 10 February 2008

Here we see the lesser stressed tbf. Less common than his super stressed alter ego, the lesser stressed tbf can be found enjoying veggie breakfasts, little lie ins and thinks 'you know what? A little rain today in really nice.' Awesome. X k

Saturday, 9 February 2008

Lazing on a sunny afternoon...

Today we're mostly relaxing, we took a walk down to the Victoria and Albert waterfront and are lazing in Paulner Brauhaus drinking their brewed on site pilsner. Cape Town is especially wonderful because no matter if you are in a Cuban bar drinking jugs of mojitos, In a german car drinking pils or in a Closa bar drinking big bottles of castle, every place is touched with Africa and yet feels so like home too. I love this place. Tomorrow it's back on the tourist trail up table mountain... The only down side of the trip so far, the tours of robben island are booked up weeks in advance. Next time. And there will be a next time.

Friday, 8 February 2008


Me jumping off storm river bridge. Better photos soon x k

P-p-p-p-pick up a penguin!

If only i could pop one in my suit case! Penguins are one of those wonderful ronseal animals, they do exactly what it says on the tin. Looks cute, has fluffy feathers when young and makes you want one. Or two. Or three. Just in case you lost one.

Thursday, 7 February 2008

Hemmingway, ikeman, stranger in a strange land...

There is something about sitting up till eleven, believing that is late, discussing American politics with a Foreign Currency Trader, a musician and a nanny, which makes you realise that people are generally good, generally funny and generally will listen. Tonight we are ending the night to a cup of tea listening to the crickets chirrup and our yawns punctuate the South African night sky. Good night until tomorrow x k

Rain rain rain...

And how wonderful it is! We're staying in this cottage on a farm by a lake high in the mountains. We're IN the clouds! So beautiful, the only noises are the birds singing and the drip drop of rain on our metal roof. Back to the sun tomorrow-off to see the jack-ass penguins, if I don't see at least a 360 or meet steve-o i'm demanding my money back ;-) arriving back in cape town for the weekend tomorrow evening. More then x x x k

Sunday, 3 February 2008

And the view...

First they after leaving the hotel. Amazing. Twenty four hours travel with about four hours snatched sleep and this... Sights like this banish tiredness as surely as it was never there. Cape town we love you already. X Mr and Mrs

Saturday, 2 February 2008

Mr. And Mrs.

This Mr and Mrs would like to thank everyone for such a wonderful day. As far as beginings to maried life go, they don't get much better than this. We're jetting off now to sunnier climes but our thoughts and thanks are with every one of you who shared our day yesterday. Much love and thanks from Mr and Mrs TBF x x x

Thursday, 24 January 2008

Going where the weather suits my clothes...

In just a few days we will be off to sunnier climes. The weather for the days ahead is clear skies, 30's temps and good times. *Disclaimer- bbc weather doesn't predict times, good or otherwise-i'm just assuming that part ;-) only a little post today, felt i needed to share the sunshine! X x x

Tuesday, 22 January 2008

New Shoes

There are the shoes I am going to treat myself to. I think they kick ass. I'll also take this opportunity to thank everyone who togged out for the poultry party on saturday night. From the moment we opened the door to the madness that was Bon Ga the night was destined for the story books. Highlights included the poor confused waitress who seemed to think I was marrying John...oh John, who knows what might have been? To the hot, sweat filled room that pulsed with the 'singing' that filled it. Never one for the trappings of tradition, i none the less enjoyed this one and am grateful for the love of family and friends that was shown on the night. You are all amazing. X x x k

Thursday, 17 January 2008


In times of great stress and emotional hiccups, there is little that can sooth the soul like chocolate. This is especially true of the group who last week completed their goal of driving to Africa in a lorry powered by fuel that started life as chocolate. Andy Pag and John Grimshaw undertook the eight week journey to highlight awareness for bio fuels. They travelled across France, Spain, Morocco and Mauritania on the way to Mali. If you were to weigh it up though- eight weeks powering a lorry to Africa is not quite as impressive as stopping me having a complete melt down! ;-)

Tuesday, 15 January 2008


We are the kittens...we like to purr...and play with things... Aren't we lovely! K and TBF get to meet us next monday! Woo!

Monday, 14 January 2008

Holy Cow

Ok this post contains no dairy related information, saintly or otherwise. The subject here relates purely to the feelings of panic I am now experiencing for the first time. I am getting married in just over two weeks. Holy Cow. Admitedly I am looking forward to the hen this weekend as a chance to let my hair down a little (chortle) but also to see family and friends. I am hoping that the brother will be back from his solitary confinement in Poland in time that he and The Very Understanding Girlfriend might attend. Speaking of brother- he shall be experiencing his anniversary of birth this week in Poland so Wszystkiego Najlepszego David!

Wednesday, 9 January 2008


Back in work. Still full of nasty cold stuff, though a little better after a day in bed yesterday. I'm hoping that the antibiotics i got from the doctor yesterday will help. My greatest issue with being ill is the red and blotchy skin around my more and face. More and more I'm seeing the necessity of a decent make up person for the wedding. It's getting scary close and I'm begining to panic slightly. Silly me. Luckily TBF is well used to my psychosis. Sigh. X k

Monday, 7 January 2008

Sneezing and wheezing

There are few things in life more miserable than a bad cold. This winter i was the proud recipient of the flu vaccine, the result me which is that unless i claim bird flu than no matter how bad this feels, it remains only a bad cold. I have been taking Advil Cold and Flu which admitedly provide some temporary relief, enough to allow me go to work, lucky me! The directions on which have confused me however, on the box- obviously intended for the Irish/European market states take on more than eight in 24 hours. The Us warning leaflet inside the box says no more than six in 24 hours! Obviously we Europeans are made me sterner stuff- or perhaps that's just our germs. Along with the Advil, i've taken out a lifetime supply contract with kleenex for their life (and face) saving balsam tissues last think i need with a wedding in 3 and a bit weeks is a flakey face. I'll leave you with that lovely image and go back to my misery. Atchew! X k

Friday, 4 January 2008

Patrick Farrell-Johnson ?-2008

This evening we said goodbye to Patrick. His various illnesses finally caught up with him and he was put to sleep in our vets in Kilmacthomas this evening. The vets at Comeragh Vet. Practice were wonderful to both Patrick and George before him through their healthy years and their illness. We can't thank them enough. Patrick was an amazing cat-friend to both of us and he'll be sorely missed. We have cried a lot today. :-( good night Patrick x k

Another two wheeled toy

This is mostly to test how easy it is to post from my phone. This is the latest addition to our two wheeled family we hope. She is looking for a new home we're hoping she'll choose us. In other news: I have a cold and am fairly miserable. Have a good weekend. X k

Wednesday, 2 January 2008

Newt Years

Happy Newt Years boys and girls.

This years change over happened rather smoothly for a change. TBF was playing with Daekim in the 'leccy Ave and at 9pm I decided I would venture into town and brave the amateurs to watch "Kat's last gig"(tm) with the band.

It proved to be an emotional affair with muted sobbing to be heard over the microphones on more than one occasion. Great love goes out to Sean and Lisa, Terry and Aoife for their company during the night and for holding my hand until TBF arrived down from his dj set in the Forum.

This year my resolutions are few - which is still more than my usual none. I will go to the gym I'm paying for... at least once a week. I will eat my 5 a day and drink 16 gallons of water each hour. I will go out more and see my friends more. I will finish painting the house... I promise!

Resolutions aside, the seeing more of my friends thing is a must. This month will be a write-off as I'll be lost in preparations for the Big Day. But once we're back from Honeymoon... at least one evening with friends a week.

I also want to start going to the cinema more. I recently re-discovered that darkest of secret pleasures - going to the cinema by yourself. That wonderfully guilty feeling you get sitting int he dark with a tub of popcorn and a packet of maltesers knowing you don't have to share. As people (mainly kids) are already giving you funny looks and mentally categorising you as 'Loozer' you can feel free to laugh as loudly and inappropriately as you like or cry till your face is purple and swollen! It gives you the chance to lose yourself completely in the film - recently I saw 'Stardust' in Waterford and grinned like an idiot through most of it. Wonderful.

Lastly, I shall try to update this blog at least once a week. I think I even have some gadget on my phone which allows me to updated photos etc directly. Very cool. So no excuses.

All that's left is to wish you all a Happy New Year and hope that 2008 brings as many wonderful days and nights as you can handle!